
The Spirit of the Arya आर्य is fiery, exalting, ecstatic. Life is an interplay of Love and Strife, mediated by karma and fettered to the realm of matter by way of the senses. The spirit is exiled into matter, and it strains and strives to break free, it yearns and longs for the freedom and liberation. The result of the experience is either pure bliss or fury for the true human being awakening to their divine godhood. There is either the spiritual peace and pursuit of liberation by any means possible or there is the combat and war with the forces within and without that constrain and bind to a prison-like experience of consciousness. Love is like fire. First it will warm you, and then it might burn you. Strife might weaken but cause liberation through cessation of grasping. The alchemical resolution of these forces through purification is the Way. But when the pure spirit is assaulted from external attacks, there is the wrathful, furious embodiment of righteous anger and rage. If there are the conditions for peace, there is the highest expression of enlightened culture in any realm.