The Body as Crucible

An essential understanding is that the body must be primed and trained to sustain the energy that can be produced in this transmutation from the dross to the numinous light body. Like the crucible must be able to sustain both the external heat and the reaction from within, so must the body, like a filament, be able to withstand such a dynamic, explosive force of ἔκστασις ekstasis, “to be or stand outside oneself, a removal to elsewhere” and samadhi, literally ‘putting together.’ All of the moral teachings are to just minimize intrusive entanglements, all authentic teachings to prime for the optimal conditions of the Great Work internally and externally. All health and care of the body is to live long enough and to sustain the pressure from within and without that forges the Subtle Body. The ancestral herbs and elixirs are the sustaining of the crucible, the nourishment of the inner fire and the reactive catalysts for the transmutation.